The Atlantic Wall


German coastal defences
in France 1940-1944


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Plages du débarquement

Allied cemeteries in Normandy


The remains of the Allied forces are buried on 17 British, two American and one Polish cemetery in Normandy. The French soldiers are buried in British cemeteries or in local cemeteries. The American Grave Commission has moved many of the US soldiers to the United States. 13.796 soldiers were moved to Colleville-sur-Mer and St. James. The British and Canadian soldiers (22.410 graves) remained in their initial graves.


The most impressive cemetery is the US cemetery of Colleville-sur-Mer, in the northwest of Bayeux located above Omaha Beach. The cemetery site which contains 9387 graves was established by the US First Army on June 8, 1944, is the only US cemetery on Eurpean soil. In May 2007 a new visitor center opened with a permanent commemorative exhibition. Openin hours from 9 am to 6 pm. The cemetery is being closed one hour earlier at 5 pm.



American cemeteries


Saint-James, Montjoie-St. Martin, 4410 graves


Colleville-sur-Mer, 9386 graves




British cemeteries


Banneville-Sannerville, 2175 graves


Bayeux, 4868 graves


Cambes-en-Pleine, 224 graves


Chouain, 40 graves


Douvres-la-Délivrande, 927 graves


Fontenay-le-Pesnel, 520 graves


Hermanville s/Mer, 986 graves


Hottot-les-Bagues, 965 graves


Ranville, 2151 graves


Ryes-Bazenville, 987 graves


Saint-Manvieu, 2186 graves


Secqueville-en-Bessin, 117 graves


Tilly-sur-Seulles, 1224 graves


St. Charles-de-Percy, 792 graves


St. Désir-de-Lisieux, 469 graves




Canadian cemeteries


Bény-sur-Mer-Revier, 2048 graves


Cintheaux, 2959 graves



The Canadian cemetery of Bény-sur-Mer-Revier




French cemetery


Nécropole des Gateys, 2048 graves




Polish cemetery


Urville-Langannerie, 650 graves



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